Key Security Guard Profiles

Since 1920, Pendleton Security has offered security guard services in Hattiesburg, Pascagoula and other locations across Mississippi,. In addition to learning about our rigorous screening processes and our access to state of the art security technology, we think our clients could benefit from taking a look at our history.

Below, you will find profiles of some of the key members responsible for shaping Pendleton Security into what it is today.

FORREST C. PENDLETON (1881-1969), Founder of the Pendleton Organization, received his law degree from Georgetown University and was a member of the District of Columbia Bar.  He served 16 years with the Bureau of Investigations (U.S. Department of Justice) and, as Regional Director of five southern states, opened the New Orleans office of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

Forrest C. Pendleton entered private practice and organized The Pendleton Organization in 1920.  He established the rapport and mutual respect with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies that the company still enjoys today.  For his integrity and dedication to community service, he was appointed Director of Public Safety for the State of Louisiana.

ROBERT H. PENDLETON, JR., CPP, President, is a graduate of the University of Mississippi and was the first person in the state of Mississippi to successfully complete the Professional Certification Board’s examination to earn the degree of Certified Protection Professional (CPP) in 1986.  He has served as Chairman of the Jackson Chapter of the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS International) and as the Private Security Services Council liaison between the National and Jackson Chapters of ASIS International.  Robert Pendleton, Jr. has over 43 years of experience and training in security and security management and is a qualified security instructor and consultant.  He is an active member of ASIS International, World Association of Detectives, National Council of Investigation & Security Services and numerous other professional and civic organizations.

DANIEL FORREST PENDLETON, Vice President, Security Operations Manager, is a graduate of the University of Mississippi with a B.B.A. & Business Finance minor.  He has over 15 years of experience in security & security management and is a qualified security and weapons instructor.  Daniel is an active member, both locally & internationally, in ASIS International, the world’s largest professional security association, National Council of Investigation & Security Services, and several other professional and civic organizations.

RAYMOND A. PENDLETON, CPP, an alumnus of the U.S. Military Academy and Tulane University, serves as an expert witness for our operations.  He has served as President and Chairman of the Board of the World Association of Detectives, the largest organization of Professional Private Investigators in the world.  His past experience as President of the Louisiana Association of Private Security Agencies and Private Investigators and as a national representative for the Private Security Services Council has contributed to his knowledge of and influence in the field of Private Security and Investigations.  He’s an active member of ASIS International and the World Association of Detectives.

ROBERT H. PENDLETON (1938-2009), Opened the Mississippi office in 1958.  He was a graduate of Mississippi College and had over 54 years of experience in the security industry.  Educated, trained and experienced in civilian, industrial and military security, Robert Pendleton was a retired Air National Guard Colonel.  He commanded military law enforcement and security units and was responsible for weapons training and qualification for 1,200 personnel.  Robert Pendleton served as Southeast Regional Chairman of Missing Persons Unlimited and Chairman of the Jackson Chapter of the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS International).  He was an active Lifetime Member of ASIS International and the World Association of Detectives.

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